ലിമ ഓണം “ദേ മാവേലി 2025”
പ്രിയരേ, മുൻ വർഷങ്ങളിലെ പോലെ തന്നെ യ...
February 9, 2021 read more
Lima Malayalee Association, LIMA was established in the year 2000 as a charity organisation that aims to promote the benefits of inhabitants of Liverpool, particularly of Indian origin with a focus towards Malayali community by promoting good relations and fostering friendship in a multicultural, multiracial and multifaith society. LIMA has been committed to provide education about our rich and diverse culture history, language and heritage through cultural and social events to bridge the gap between Liverpool and our Motherland. LIMA also work with other organisations of similar interest in order to maintain our heritage by sharing and exchanging concepts and thus to enhance the quality of life and to preserve the inherit established traditions, cultural diversity and national identity to future generations for a better tomorrow Thanks for visiting our website.